“My partner has Lyme Disease.  “It has been a very good game changer for us.  It has been an amazing thing. 

Since having the Relax Sauna, migraines are pretty much history and overall fatigue, brain confusion, fogginess, achiness has just like disappeared, literally it's gone.

Pat, Owner

ProWerx Solutions Ltd o/a Relax Saunas Canada (relaxsaunas.ca)

is the exclusive distributor for all Canadian Provinces and Territories.  

Momentum 98 Health Store is a Relax distributor in the United States.  

ProWerx is proud to share some of their professional and user testimonials. 

Lyme Disease and the Relax Far Infrared Sauna.  Her partner was diagnosed with Lyme Disease about four years ago but was able to trace back the origin of it to about 20 years ago.

Since purchasing the Relax Sauna in 2016, she has been in it consistently five to seven days a week for 15 to 30 minutes a day.  And, since having the Relax sauna; migraines are pretty much history and overall fatigue, brain confusion, fogginess, achiness has just like disappeared, literally it's gone.

“It has been a very good game changer for us.  It has been an amazing thing.

If she feels like a migraine coming on, she'll just hop in the sauna or if she feels fatigue.  It’s not like it (the Lyme Disease) is totally gone but it makes it manageable and it's in remission.  And we have a pretty clean diet and we've done lots and lots of things over the years but definitely, this has been one very excellent purchase.”

My little dog loves the sauna.  I zip the two of us in the tent.  The little dog, she’ll just sit here as long as I do.  I usually do 30 minutes.  When it clicks off I usually turn it on for another 10.  When I start to sweat I usually kick the dog out.  She loves it and I love it. It’s been a really good thing.

If you just like breathing and being in the moment, I do think you'll get added benefit in that spiritual way, too, calming, relaxing for sure.  It's been invigorating and helps with clear-headedness for her as well.

They are very glad that they purchased the sauna.

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