OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD is characterized by certain thoughts you have repeatedly – these are called obsessions. The obsessions will lead you to perform a compulsive or ritual routine repeatedly – these are called compulsions.
OCD is a chronic condition, which does not have a cure. It will not fix itself and cannot be cured completely. Behaviors or routines are performed repeatedly, even if you don’t want to. This type of behavior is not the same as; double checking the door to ensure it is locked, or washing your hands twice because you handled something really dirty. You will suffer from anxiety and depression, although the ritual routine will provide temporary relief.
OCPD – Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
OCPD is a personality disorder. It is an extreme need for order, perfection and control. You too will suffer anxiety and depression.
What is the Difference Between OCD and OCPD?
People with OCD can’t control their thoughts and behaviors. They do suffer from anxiety over their thoughts and behaviors.
People with OCPD think their actions have a purpose and a reason for doing. OCPD will interfere with relationships.
Some Categories of OCD
Obsessions with Harm or Danger.Repeatedly checking things.
Cleaning and Hand Washing.Afraid of Contamination.
Doubter or Sinner
Everything isn’t done just right or perfect.Something terrible will happen.Will be punished.
Counter or Arranger
Superstitions about how things are arranged.Superstitions about numbers.Superstitions about colors.Order and symmetry.
Fear, something bad will happen if throw out.Even if you don’t need or use.
Some Obsessive Thoughts
Fear of losing control.
Fear of harming others.
Violent thoughts and images.
Fear of contaminating others.
Fear of being contaminated by dirt.
Intrusive sexually explicit thoughts.
Fear of not having things you need.
Fear of being contaminated by germs.
Excessive focus on moral or religious ideas.
Order and Symmetry – Is it lined up “just right”.
Some Compulsive Actions
Excessive checking – Is the stove is off 20 times?
Saving junk – empty food containers or papers.
Engaging in rituals triggered by religious fear.
Doing senseless things – counting, tapping.
Arranging things in a specific way – just so.
Spend a lot of time cleaning and washing.
Scrubbing your hands until they are raw.
Checking in on loved ones repeatedly.
Excessive praying.
Some Issues:
The Vicious Cycle for OCD
The compulsive actions you complete help to reduce your own anxiety. It is a temporary relief and can be short lived. The action must be repeated. Hence, the vicious cycle, which increases anxiety.
The symptoms and the need to complete your routine will fluctuate with the rhythms of your day. Some days will be really hard. Some days, weeks, or even months, not be so bad.
Finding an option to ease the symptom will always help. Anxiety, stress and depression are common.
Individuals with OCD may also suffer from other disorders, such as PTSD, compulsive buying, kleptomania, ADHD, skin picking, or tic disorders.
Some Questions
- Can children develop OCD – Yes
- Can OCD occur with other conditions – YesADHDTourette SyndromeMajor Depressive DisorderSocial Anxiety DisorderEating Disorder
Some Help:
A whole body treatment option with a Relax Far Infrared Sauna is an excellent tool to help manage symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression.
OCD is not curable although clinicians continue to fine tune protocols to treat OCD making symptoms manageable.
Well respected doctors from the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto published “Inflammation in the Neurocircuitry of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder” in Jama Psychiatry. Authors of the paper include Sophia Attwells, HBSc; Elaine Setiawan, PhD, Romina Mizrahi, MD, PhD, and Jeffrey Meyer, MD, PhD, FRCP.
This small study, shows strong evidence of inflammation in the brain for those with OCD.
CBT – Cognitive Behavior Therapy
ERP – Exposure & Response Prevention
There is very good research supporting these therapy treatments. They are most effective when practiced with a therapist.
Questions & Must Haves:
Does the portable sauna hold the heat for the entire time?
Does the portable sauna have cold spots?
Does the portable sauna circulate the heat in the tent?
Does the portable sauna heat fast?
Is it easy to clean and move?
Will the sauna quality heal your body and last?